Recent sermons are displayed below
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SERMON - Playing with the Wrapping Paper - 8th December 2024 - Oban Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - Who is Jesus? - 17th November 2024 - Oban Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - I am weak, but He is strong - 20th October 2024 - Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - Life flows from the Lord - 20th October 2024 - Oban Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - The Vision, the Reality and the Promise - 15th September 2024 - recorded for Wimpole Road Methodist Church
SERMON - God: David's Refuge and Ours - 11th August 2024 - Oban Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - The Good Figs and the Bad Figs - 28th July 2024 - Dumfries Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - The Christian Life is a Race - 14th July 2024 - Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland
SERMON - Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy - 7th July 2024 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
This morning we move on to our fourth sermon on the Ten Commandments, reading the Lord’s instruction to the people of Israel to “Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.”
SERMON - Salt and Light - 30th June 2024 - Oban Free Church of Scotland
I have taken as my text this morning: Jesus’ discourse on salt and light, and how it applies to our lives as believers. -
SERMON - The LORD has forgotten me! - 23rd June 2024 - Dumfries Free Church of Scotland
This evening we find the prophecy entering new waters, as God’s people call out to the Lord with their concerns, and He answers them. -
SERMON - A Light For The Nations - 23rd June 2024 - Dumfries Free Church of Scotland
This morning we will be considering parts oneand two – the people of Israel’s disbelief and rejection of God, andGod’s gracious love to the Gentiles -
SERMON - You shall not make any graven images - 26th May 2024 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
After a few weeks’ break, we return this morning to our series on the Ten Commandments.
SERMON - Adversity and the coming hope - 19th May 2024 - West Mains Free Church of Scotland
here in the First Letter of Peter, Peter offers his readers advice while at the same time warning them that encircling them is an adversary far stronger than they are. -
SERMON - Keep your eyes fixed on Him - 21st April 2024 - Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland
The Apostle Peter knew a thing or two about disloyalty and second thoughts.
SERMON - No other gods (1st Commandment) - 7th April 2024 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
In the preface, which was v2 of our reading, we heard the Lord explain who He is and why His people should listen to and obey Him, while in the first Commandment (v3), we hear what it is He expected them to do.. -
SERMON - Had Christ that once was slain - 31st March 2024 - Halstead URC
if God could do nothing that we cannot do, then all of our hoping, all of our praying, all of our faith would be false. -
SERMON - A User Guide to the Ten Commandments - 17th March 2024 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
In order to fully understand the Ten Commandments, it is important that we remember a number of points.
SERMON - Come into the Captain's harbour - 10th March 2024 - East Kilbride URC (and Hamilton URC)
these signs and Stephen’s success in disputation led the elders and scribes to haul him before the Council. There, facing the High Priest, Stephen begins his impassioned sermon that would ultimately cost his life. -
SERMON - Can these bones live? - 14th January 2024 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
If I was to give this sermon a subtitle, I would have called it ‘Good News from the Graveyard’, because this is precisely what we have heard
SERMON - The True Meaning of Christmas - 24th December 2023 - Dowanvale Free Church
Our passage this evening makes an immediate link between the birth of Jesus Christ and a prophecy made some 735 years before His birth.
SERMONETTE - The Greatest Gift - 24th December 2023 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
It is this Jesus who I offer you this morning. And I urge you, do not just walk on unaffected by what you’ve heard – for in Him is life and light, and the life and light is for you, if you’ll accept it.
PRAYER - Based on the words of Ephesians 3. 14-20
A prayer, based on Ephesians 3, to be used in worship on Christmas Eve.
SERMON - Keep Calm and Carry On - 10th December 2023 - Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland
in the crazy world in which we live, are you clinging on to your anchor in Jesus Christ? Are the winds blowing all around you? Are the currents threatening to drag you out to sea? Take Paul’s advice -
SERMON - Standing on the Promises of God - 10th December 2023 - Righead and Hamilton URCs
In our Bible reading this morning, we become a fly on the wall in the room where the apostles were hiding in the hours and days after the resurrection.
SERMON - An Advocate with the Father - 3rd December 2023 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
My righteousness was applied to his account when he trusted in me for salvation and forgiveness. I have paid the price, so he can be pronounced ‘Not guilty.’ There is no debt left for him to pay””. -
REFLECTION - 'I will', says Jesus, 'be clean' - 22nd November 2023 - University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel
Three men recognise that they can’t manage without Divine help. -
SERMON - The Impossible Commandments? Pt. 2 (totally rewritten) - 5th November 2023 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
Today we are going to continue our way through this passage, looking at the verses 15-21.
REFLECTION - What's your sacrifice? - 15th October 2023 - University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel
So who is God on the side of?
SERMON - The Impossible Commandments? - 15th October 2023 - Dumfries Free Church of Scotland
This evening we will continue our journey through our passage, taking the second half as our source of teaching. It is my prayer that the Lord will enable us to see that, in the second portion as much as the first, we can trust in His providential grace to enable...
SERMON - The Impossible Commandments? - 3rd September 2023 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
When reading this morning’s Scripture passage, you’d be forgiven for wondering whether there is actually any chance of us managing to fulfil Paul’s instructions!
Reflection - The Armour of God - 2nd September 2023 - Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland
This morning I want to explore six short points with you, reading in to Paul’s instruction to ‘Put on the whole armour of God’.
SERMON - Ambassadors for Christ - 30th August 2023 - Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland
Have you ever considered what it is like to be an ambassador?
SERMON - A Great Door - 6th August 2023 - Rutherglen URC
As Paul draws his first letter to Corinth to an end, he lets slip something very telling. He is every bit as human as we are!
SERMON - By Whose Authority? - 16th July 2023 - Wattisfield URC
I do wonder whether Jesus would have made a good politician. From the outside, this looks like a masterclass in answering the question you wish to answer, and not the one you have been asked.
SERMON - The Goldilocks Gospel? (Too warm, too cold, just right?) - 9th July 2023 - Glenboig Christian Fellowship
What a week this has been. -
SERMON - Holding On To Guilt - 2nd July 2023 - Hamilton and Righead URCs
Paul is in trouble. -
SERMON - My Big Mouth - 18th June 2023 - Rutherglen URC
If there was a text that has spoken to me the most in the past few weeks, I think this would be it.
Welcome to my new blog!
Welcome to my new blog page. Scriptural quotations from after 5th November 2023, unless otherwise stated, are from the English Standard Version (Anglicised). Scriptural quotations from before 5th November 2023, unless otherwise stated, are from the King James Bible.